Take a Knee Pursuing Racial and Social Justice in Sports

The 2023 BSU/UMD SJA Symposium, where a spoken word of poetry and various speakers discussing different topics related to social justice and athletics. The Social Justice Alliance (SJA) was formed to promote healing and dialogue between the University of Maryland and Bowie State University following the murder of Lieutenant Richard Collins III. The speakers emphasize the importance of addressing issues like race, violence, and gun control in their communities.

They also touch on topics such as the exploitation of college athletes, the transfer portal in college sports, and the need for equality and attention to social justice causes. The speakers encourage student-athletes to recognize the value of being more than just athletes and to make a positive impact in their communities. The symposium concludes with gratitude expressed towards Bowie State University and a call to action to vote and create change. Follow the BSU/UMD SJA on social media for more information about the 2024 symposium, scheduled for Friday, April 19th, at the University of Maryland.

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